| 06-09-2011 | 00:00:00

200 young cadres to be communal and ward leaders

This is one of the breakthrough programs to implement the 9th provincial party committee’s party congress, 2010-2015 term. Therefore, the project on training key leaders and managers for communal, ward and township authorities is a concrete step to conduct the provincial party committee’s resolutions and action plans on training and developing manpower till 2020.


Young cadres of Phu Cuong ward solve problems for local people.


Statistically, among 91 communes, wards and townships, the entire province has 520 key leaders and managers including secretaries, vice secretaries, chairmen and vice chairmen of People’s Councils and People’s Committees at all levels.

At the age, there are 175 cadres with over 50 years old, accounting for 33.66%. In terms of knowledge, there are 34.6% of cadres graduated from universities, 44.42% of cadres have intermediate degrees of state management and above.

To satisfy requirements on renewal and improve leadership capacity and combat of grassroot party organizations, the program on training manpower for communes and wards is very essential.

Could you tell about result of implementation of the program?

Training on communal cadre in particular and provincial political system in general has been specially paid attention by all level leaders. Right from 1997, the provincial party committee’s standing committee has built and launched Resolution No.42-NQ/TU on manpower.

As a result, since 1997, the province has held 5 training courses for 520 communal cadres. At present, 457 learners have worked at People’s Councils and Committees at all levels, 43 of whom have held key positions such as secretaries and chairmen…

More than 80% of trained cadres have served at provincial political system. Most of the cadres have improved their awareness on political argument.

Could you tell more about the plan on selecting 200 young cadres for grassroot authorities?

The plan’s objective is to select 200 cadres for 2 training courses, each lasting one year. It is expected that the first course will open in early Nov. 2011. After completing the course, candidates must reach intermediate level of political and administration argument and notch up minimum 3.5 on the IELTS.

If satisfying the requirements, the candidates will be worked at communal and ward authorities and will be introduced to communal leadership positions.

Which cadres will be selected, sir?

Under the plan, the objects are divided into 3 groups. Firstly, cadres, public are employees working at communes, wards and townships. Secondly, public employees and cadres are working at provincial agencies and units. Thirdly, students have university degrees.

The objects must have duration of the provincial residence at least 3 years and above and pledge to obey assignment from competent levels and work at least 5 years after completing the training courses.

For more information, please contact the provincial party committee’s organization committee or read information on local mass media in the coming time.

Thanks a lot!

Reported by D.Truong – Translated by A.C   

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