| 27-06-2024 | 11:07:36

2024 National High School Graduation Exam: Ensuring conditions for candidates' confidence

This morning (June 27), along with over 1 million candidates nationwide, more than 15,200 students in Binh Duong also commenced the 2024 high school graduation exam, the last exam under the 2006 general education program. To ensure the exam that is conducted safely and seriously under regulations, Binh Duong has fully ensured conditions to help candidates confidently enter the exam with high efforts for the best results.

Thorough exam training

The preparation for the 2024 high school graduation exam in Binh Duong has been actively implemented under the plan of the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) as well as provincial Steering Committee for the plan. Before the exam, provincial  Department of Education and Training (DoET) organized a conference to train examination supervisors, including all exam site chiefs, deputy chiefs, and secretaries of the 28 official exam sites.

Candidates at exam site No. 2 located at Thu Dau Mot city’s An My High School see information about registration numbers and exam rooms before hearing the exam’s regulations on the afternoon of June 26

At the task deployment meeting, chairpersons, deputy chairpersons and secretaries of all exam sites in the province were instructed on exam supervision tasks, with special emphasis on important issues that are prone to errors. Leaders of provincial DOET reminded exam supervisors and supporting staff to uphold responsibility, strictly adhere to tasks under the “4 correct-s, 3 no-s” principle, carefully instruct candidates on regulations and prepare contingency plans to handle any unexpected situations.

According to Nguyen Van Phong, Deputy Director of provincial DOET and Chairman of the Exam Council No. 44, professional training related to the exam is always a top priority, meticulously conducted annually. This is seen as a crucial element contributing to the success of the exam. Therefore, teachers involved in exam supervision must focus on executing their tasks well and avoid complacency.

For this year’s exam, provincial DOET has mobilized over 2,300 people for exam supervision, security and health services, including site chiefs, deputy chiefs, secretaries, proctors and inspectors. The MoET also dispatched 90 inspectors to the high school graduation exam council in Binh Duong.

Candidates confidently entering the exam

In the 2024 high school graduation exam, Binh Duong, under the Exam Council No. 44, has over 15,200 candidates participating at 29 exam sites with 643 exam rooms, including a reserve site. To motivate and provide psychological comfort for candidates, thousands of meaningful messages have been sent by volunteers, teachers, parents and fellow students. Additionally, at the exam sites, volunteers in blue uniforms created paintings with meaningful wishes to the candidates.

Candidates are present at the exam site No. 2 in Thu Dau Mot city’s An My High School to complete the exam’s procedures, listen to the exam’s regulations, schedule and correct any information errors if necessary

Tran Thi Ngoc Ha, a teacher at Vo Minh Duc High School in Thu Dau Mot city encouraged students to give their best effort in the exam. "Wishing all Vo Minh Duc High School’s 12th graders in particular and all 12th graders in the province in general good luck in this important exam. Stay calm, confident and strive to overcome yourselves. Use your talents, intelligence, and efforts to achieve the best results", Mrs. Ha advised.

Mai Khanh Linh, a volunteer from Thu Dau Mot University, assisting at Phu Hoa Secondary School exam site in Thu Dau Mot city shared: "Our volunteer team has prepared banners and best wishes for the candidates today, hoping to help them feel relaxed and bring positive energy into the exam room. Entering university is not just a beautiful dream; make it come true. Be confident, we will always support you”.

Nguyen Ngoc Quynh Huong, a student from Bau Bang High School in Bau Bang district shared that she received many wishes from her teachers, friends and family before the exam. "Before the exam, I was a bit nervous and anxious despite thorough preparation. I also reviewed the exam’s regulations carefully to avoid mistakes. I hope all candidates this year will do well and achieve their desired results."

It is hoped that the warm encouragement and sincere wishes will motivate the candidates to confidently face the exam, entering the exam room with the strongest spirit to complete this crucial exam successfully.

According to the 2024 high school graduation exam schedule, on the afternoon of June 26, candidates will go to the exam room to complete procedures, listen to exam regulations, schedules and correct any errors. On the morning of June 27, candidates will take the literature exam for 120 minutes; in the afternoon, the math exam will take place for 90 minutes. On the morning of June 28, candidates will take  two combined tests on natural science and social science. The candidates must complete each test within 50 minutes. The foreign language test will take place on the afternoon of June 28th, with a duration of 60 minutes.

Reported by Hong Phuong-Translated by Kim Tin

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