| 23-09-2024 | 11:20:37

40 years of innovation together with the country

In 1986, Vietnam began to carry out the renovation process, shifting from a centrally planned economy to a socialist-oriented market economy, applying industrialization associated with opening up, attracting foreign investment, and focusing on exports. As a result, the country has escaped underdevelopment and become a developing, middle-income country. In the country's renovation process, Binh Duong has become a pioneering locality with the right choices and approaches to become one of the most successful provinces and cities in opening up, attracting investment, and developing the local economy and community.

Fruits of the right choice

Inheriting and promoting the initial foundations of Song Be province, at the same time fully exploiting the advantages, overcoming difficulties and challenges, after nearly 40 years together with the country to implement the policy of national innovation and especially 27 years of construction and development, Binh Duong has achieved quite comprehensive and outstanding achievements, rising to become one of the dynamic localities, leading the country in many fields of socio-economic development; one of the growth poles, innovation centers, creative startups of the Southeast region, the driving force in the development quadrangle of the Southern Key Economic Zone.

Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park, a model of industrial development in Binh Duong. 

Binh Duong's development achievements in recent times are a combination of many factors, in which the decisive factor is the selection and determination of development goals through many terms of the Provincial Party Congress. The 6th Provincial Party Congress (1997) identified industrial development as the focus, implemented through a rapid shift from mass investment attraction and general industrial development, then by the 7th Provincial Party Congress (2001) and 8th Provincial Party Congress (2005), the province identified a shift to selective investment attraction, encouraging and prioritizing the development of clean and quality industry.

In particular, at the 9th Provincial Party Congress (2010), Binh Duong identified an important strategic turning point, which was to restructure the industrial sector towards improving productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness. At the following congresses (the 10th and 11th Congresses), the province determined to improve growth quality, increase the scale of the economy, ensure sustainable development and reasonable growth, and focus on developing high-quality service sectors combined with industrial and urban development in a civilized and modern direction.

In recent years, despite facing numerous difficulties and challenges, the Party Committee, government, people from all walks of life, and the business community in the province have shown great solidarity, dynamism, and creativity. They have consistently made efforts and remained determined to successfully achieve the following goals: “Continue to build a clean and strong Party and political system; firmly consolidate people's trust in the Party and the government; promote innovation in the economic growth model integrated with environmental protection and strategic breakthroughs; ensure social security and welfare, constantly improve people's material and spiritual life; stabilize political security and social order and safety; strengthen foreign affairs activities; strive to develop Binh Duong province sustainably in the direction of a smart, civilized and modern urban area; by 2030, Binh Duong will become a modern industrial center, by 2045 it will be a smart urban area of the region and the whole country”.

An example of breakthrough

It is no coincidence that Binh Duong is considered a "good land for birds to perch", a destination for domestic and foreign enterprises, a gathering place for strategic investors; a land with strong appeal and attraction for skilled human resources, with a spirit of innovation and creativity with the desire to start a business, and also for hard-working, diligent workers with the desire to increase income, escape poverty...

To summarize 40 years of implementing the country's renovation process, contribute to building theories on the innovation path; summarize approaches, evaluate the achieved development results to draw lessons, determine the vision, goals, models and development orientations for Binh Duong province until mid-century, the Central Theoretical Council has coordinated with Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee to conduct a research project on "Summarizing the development model of Binh Duong province in the country's innovation process and vision to 2050"...

All stem from the province's breakthrough policies, which are synchronously developing infrastructure, constantly improving the investment environment, promoting administrative reform, training and developing human resources, building a strong Party and political system, ensuring social security, and maintaining national defense and security.

Identifying industry as the foundation for economic development, Binh Duong has proactively proposed to the Central Government to allow the locality to implement the industrial park (IP) model to attract both foreign-invested and domestic enterprises, producing goods for both export and domestic consumption.

To develop industrial parks, the province has focused on diversifying ownership of industrial parks, along with industrial parks established and managed by the State from joint venture capital with foreign countries and capital from state-owned enterprises, forming and developing industrial parks based on private capital. Industrial parks in Binh Duong have developed from the generation of traditional industrial parks, gradually shifting to the development of new generation industrial parks such as industrial parks combined with urban and service areas; Industrial - Service - Urban Complexes (complexes, green industrial parks, science and technology industrial parks).

Besides, Binh Duong has gradually focused on urbanization and development towards smart urban areas. The formation and development of industrial parks have created new advantages to turn industrial development and investment attraction into a lever to consolidate and comprehensively develop urban areas, urban economy and cultural and social life for the people. This is the difference, the reason that helps Binh Duong to develop industry widely throughout the province, and also spread this model to provinces and cities across the country.

Looking back at 40 years of innovation, Binh Duong has truly become a good example of breakthrough development, a bright spot in the way of promoting the location advantage of a province next to a large city; in mobilizing investment resources, building infrastructure, promoting industrialization, modernization and urbanization.

Binh Duong's outstanding efforts to rise up are a great motivation and inspiration, arousing pride and aspiration for development not only in Binh Duong people but also in people across the country about the province's breakthrough thinking, unique models and creative ways of doing things in the process of comprehensively and synchronously promoting the renovation process. 

Reported by Tri Dung - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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