| 16-05-2018 | 08:12:47

Action plan on green growth in Binh Duong province period 2018-2020

Provincial People's Committee issued an action plan on green growth in Binh Duong province in the period 2018-2020. Accordingly, the action plan covered 4 main themes under Prime Minister's Decision No. 403 / QD-TTg approving the National Green Growth Action Plan 2014-2020 based on the socio-economic situation in the locality.

Specifically, Theme 1: Developing Provincial People's Committee's action plan on green growth; the province carries out 4 out of 8 activities under the national plan. Theme 2: Reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions and promote the use of clean energy, renewable energy; the province deploys 18/20 activities compared to the national plan. Theme 3: Greening production, the province implements 22/25 activities compared to the national plan. Theme 4: Greening lifestyles and sustainable consumption, the province carries out 11/13 activities under the national plan.

Fund for the action plan implementation was state budget, resources of state enterprises, private enterprises, communities and support from international organizations. Provincial People's Committee assigned Department of Planning and Investment to be the leading unit for coordinating the implementation, monitoring and summarizing of reports on the implementation of National Strategy, National Action Plan and Provincial People's Committee’s Action Plan on green growth in the province. Departments, sectors, People's Committees of districts, towns and city and relevant units based on Provincial People's Committee's action plan and actual situation in each locality to take initiative in contacting ministries and branches at the central level to devise detailed implementation plan in line with its functions and duties.

Reported by H.A – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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