| 07-09-2024 | 09:42:49

Binh Duong industrial promotion strengthens and maintains the team of collaborators

In recent years, industrial promotion activities in Binh Duong province have increasingly created a widespread influence, and that achievement is partly due to the contribution of industrial promotion collaborators in all districts, towns, cities, and some communes, wards, and towns in Binh Duong province.

For rural industrial establishments to have information about activities and industrial promotion policies, the communication channel, which is the team of industrial promotion collaborators, is worth mentioning. Industrial promotion collaborators play an important role in understanding the actual needs of industrial production facilities in provincial localities, helping the Binh Duong Provincial Center for Trade Promotion and Industrial Development (hereinafter referred to as the Center) to develop and carry out projects; coordinate propaganda, instruct facilities and beneficiary units to complete the projects on schedule; disseminate State policies on industrial production activities, and support programs to small and medium enterprises.

For example, in 2023, the Center maintained and supplemented the network of industrial promotion collaborators with 25 collaborators in the province and implemented the program more and more effectively.

Meeting of industrial promotion collaborators to set forth tasks in 2023. (Photo by Hong Dao).

Industrial promotion collaborators urgently coordinated with the Center to implement the approved industrial promotion plan. As a result, 18 plans and projects were implemented; 7/26 typical national rural industrial products were ranked highly in the region in particular and the whole country in general.

In addition, some permanent collaborators are officers working at economic/infrastructure departments of districts, towns, and cities, who have been very active in industrial promotion work, creating conditions for rural industrial establishments to conveniently access and enjoy industrial promotion policies.

Joining the Center's network of industrial promotion collaborators in 2016, Ms. Tran Thi Thuy Trinh - an Industrial Promotion Collaborator in Ben Cat city said: “Through organizing training courses, we have disseminated industrial promotion policies to rural industrial establishments, thereby grasping the actual needs of rural industrial establishments, instruct rural industrial establishments to access industrial promotion policies, summarize requests of rural industrial establishments for industrial promotion funding support and send them to the Center for evaluation and planning. At the same time, we periodically hold votes of typical rural industrial products....

In 2024, the Department of Industry and Trade of Binh Duong province approved the content and budget for the implementation of the project "Maintaining the network of Industrial Promotion Collaborators" in Official Dispatch No. 745/SCT-QLCN dated March 15, 2024 and approved the list of industrial promotion collaborators of Binh Duong province in 2024 in Decision No. 37/QD-SCT dated April 8, 2024. This is the legal basis for developing a network of industrial promotion collaborators from the district and city levels to communes/wards. In 2024, the number of collaborators continues to be maintained at 25 people, serving as a bridge to create connections with the business community; this is also an important communication channel for the 2024 Industrial Promotion Program.

Over the past decade, the efforts in promoting industrial development in Ben Cat city have yielded significant results. Thanks to the promotional work, 24 rural industrial establishments have benefited from policies supporting the implementation of projects involving advanced machinery and technological innovations in production. As a result, 51 products have been recognized as typical industrial products at the district level, 24 at the provincial level, 10 at the regional level, and 4 at the national level. In 2024, the Provincial Council for Voting for Typical Rural Industrial Products nominated 8 products of Ben Cat city to participate in the regional voting.

Ben Cat City is a locality with strong industrial development. Many enterprises and rural industrial establishments in the area have received support from industrial promotion fund to expand and improve production capacity. Thanks to this initial support, many businesses and rural industrial establishments have built their brands and developed continuously.

An example is Hai Duong International Joint Stock Company, which specializes in producing fertilizers in Ben Cat town. After being guided by Ms. Trinh to establish a project of "Supporting the application of machinery and equipment in organic fertilizer production", the company was granted VND300 million from local industrial promotion fund to implement the project. From the support fund for industrial promotion, the company invested in new machinery and equipment for organic fertilizer production.

This has helped the company diversify fertilizer types, increase the value of output products, increase income for the business, create jobs and stable income for workers, and contribute to solving social security issues for the province. In 2023, the Hai Duong organic fertilizer products were honored with the national certificate for outstanding rural industrial products, along with many other valuable awards.

Some awards achieved by Hai Duong International Joint Stock Company. (Photo by Hong Dao)

According to Mr. Truong Thanh Nhan, Deputy Director of the Provincial Center for Trade Promotion and Industrial Development, besides the achieved results, the network of industrial promotion collaborators is not even, due to the different economic development of each locality, and at the same time, collaborators have to take on many jobs.

In addition, some areas, such as Dau Tieng, Phu Giao, Bac Tan Uyen, Bau Bang, are areas where rural industrial establishments are not concentrated and are far from administrative centers, thus the access to policies is sometimes not timely. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen and maintain the team of commune-level collaborators in the above districts in order to promptly disseminate and grasp the needs of beneficiaries, and support rural industrial establishments to access the policies of the Party and the State.

Therefore, in 2024, the Center will continue to maintain and develop the network of industrial promotion collaborators, which will contribute to the overall socio-economic development of the province, serving the goal of shifting the economic structure and labor structure towards industrialization and modernization.

According to Anh Tuan, Hong Dao - Provincial Center for Trade Promotion and Industrial Development

Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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