| 06-06-2024 | 13:51:51

Decree No. 95/2023/ND-CP implemented for officials and public servants performing religious and belief activities

On the morning of June 5, the Department of Home Affairs and Binh Duong provincial Religious Committee coordinated to organize a conference to implement Government Decree No. 95/2023/ND-CP dated December 29, 2023 (referred to as Decree 95) detailing certain provisions and measures for the implementation of the Law on Beliefs and Religions for nearly 450 religious officials and officers at all levels in the province.

At the conference, delegates listened to Dr. Nguyen Thi Dinh, the Government's Religious Affairs Committee reporter, provide information on the current situation of beliefs and religions; disseminate the Party and State's viewpoints, policies, and laws on beliefs and religions; disseminate the Law on Beliefs and Religions in 2016, Decree No. 95, and related legal documents.

At the conference, Mr. Tran Duc Thinh, Deputy Director of the Department of Home Affairs and Head of the Provincial Religious Committee, stated that the conference was organized to continue supplementing the basic knowledge and new points of Decree 95, contributing to improving the theoretical level and unifying the perception within the team of officials and civil servants in the work of belief and religion. From there, solve, advise on solving the needs of belief and religion and manage the activities of belief and religion at the local level in accordance with the law.

This is also an opportunity for officials and civil servants to exchange, inform, and share more experiences in the work of beliefs and religions between theory and practice at the local level.

Reported by Hong Thuan – Translated by Vi Bao

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