| 13-08-2024 | 10:02:35

Do not be subjective or negligent in the prevention of infectious diseases

 Currently, some localities in our country have recorded cases of infection and death due to dangerous, emerging infectious diseases or diseases for which vaccines are available. In Binh Duong, there are currently no large outbreaks recorded in the community; the number of infections and deaths has decreased.

 Local officials disseminate information about the prevention and control of dengue fever and hand-foot-mouth disease to people in Di An City.

 Infectious diseases tend to decrease

Currently, the situation of infectious diseases in some southern provinces is complicated. Meanwhile, according to statistics on the infectious disease prevention and control system, in Binh Duong, the epidemic situation is relatively stable; no large outbreaks in the community have been recorded, and the number of infections and deaths has decreased significantly.

In week 31 (from July 29 to August 4), the whole province recorded 5 cases of measles, 57 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) and 68 cases of dengue fever (DF), down 24% compared to week 30. Accumulated from the beginning of the year until now, the whole province recorded 9 measles cases, 776 DF cases, 1 death (down 34.4% compared to the same period in 2023); recorded 2,083 HFMD lice cases (down 29.7% compared to the same period). Other dangerous infectious diseases, such as: Zika, influenza A H5N1, influenza A H7N9, whooping cough, monkeypox, rabies, diphtheria have no recorded cases.

 According to the report, the DF death case in Thuan An City was a 55-year-old patient, temporarily residing in Thuan Giao ward. After recording the case, Thuan Giao Ward Health Station coordinated with Management Board of Hoa Lan 2 Ward to contact the patient's family, conduct a field investigation and a survey around the patient's house that has households and 10 lodging rooms using tap water; the housing area was clean, no mosquito larvae recorded. Within 14 days (before the patient's onset of illness), there were no cases of dengue fever.

Dr. Tran Van Chung, Deputy Director of the Provincial Center for Disease Control, said that in order to control the epidemic well, the health sector has proactively advised the Provincial People's Committee to issue a plan to prevent and control infectious diseases in the province in 2024 and many documents directing epidemic prevention work, especially dangerous diseases such as respiratory diseases, dengue fever, hand and foot-and-mouth disease, influenza A in humans, etc. Departments, branches and localities all have plans for human resources, facilities, equipment, ready to respond when an epidemic occurs and coordinate well with medical units to prevent disease for people. “The health sector also regularly organizes inspection teams to monitor, isolate, and promptly handle outbreaks to prevent spread in the community,” said Dr. Tran Van Chung.

Don't be subjective with epidemics

It is currently hot and rainy weather, thus infectious diseases tend to increase in case numbers. Although the case numbers of infectious diseases in the province have decreased, localities in the province must not be subjective or negligent in disease prevention and control.

Youth union members and forces in the Thuan Giao ward launch an environmental sanitation campaign to prevent and fight epidemics.

In Thuan An City, since the beginning of the year, the city has recorded 462 cases of HFMD; 252 infection cases and 1 death due to DF. Dr. Huynh Minh Chin, Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Health and Director of Thuan An City Medical Center, said that medical units in the city are stepping up monitoring and early detection of disease cases and outbreaks of DF and HFMD in the community, implementing isolation and promptly handling hot spots to prevent outbreaks.

This locality also increased sampling and testing to identify pathogens, closely coordinated with the Center for Disease Control and the Pasteur Institute to proactively assess risks, promptly deploy measures to handle outbreaks and organize vaccination campaigns. "In treatment, the local health sector thoroughly implements the direction of minimizing serious complications and deaths," said Dr. Huynh Minh Chin.

Along with Df and HFMD that are frequently circulating in the province, for diphtheria, measles, whooping cough... units and localities in the province also strengthen epidemic prevention measures. Namely, with diphtheria, localities deploy surveillance, early detection and handling of outbreaks; organize vaccination; propagate and encourage people to implement diphtheria prevention and control measures according to recommendations of the health sector. For measles and whooping cough, the local health sector focuses on monitoring and surveillance to promptly detect cases of the disease in the community and medical examination and treatment facilities to have solutions to control and prevent outbreaks in the community; continue to maintain vaccination work, review unvaccinated cases, and cases with insufficient doses to organize additional vaccinations according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health.

“People should not panic, receive false information from unofficial sources about epidemics and then arbitrarily get vaccinated. In case of necessity, people need to contact the nearest medical facilities for advice on disease prevention measures, ensuring vaccination of the right subjects, with the right doses, at the right time to promote disease prevention effectiveness.

(Doctor Tran Van Chung, Deputy Director of the Provincial Center for Disease Control)

Reported by Kim Ha - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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