| 13-07-2024 | 14:54:31

Female trade unionists in devoting to working people

In Binh Duong, many businesses operate in the garment and leather shoe industries, with female workers accounting for 70-80% of the total workforce. In order to improve the lives of female workers, female union leaders in these businesses play a crucial role. They understand and listen to the practical concerns and desires in the daily lives of female workers in order to make recommendations and proposals that benefit the workers to the company's board of directors.

Ms. Le Ha Tien (further left) presents support gifts to female workers of Ho Chang Vina Co. Ltd.

Benefits ensured

In recent years, Ho Chang Vina Co., Ltd. (Thuận An City) has been one of the effective female labor enterprises. Many welfare policies for female workers have been implemented, creating a safe and friendly working environment. For over 20 years, this enterprise has always maintained stable employment for workers with an average income of 7.5 million VND per person per month. The regulations for female workers include maternity leave, childcare support, assistance with childcare expenses, and regular reproductive health check-ups, which the company maintains and implements. There is also no occurrence of harassment, abuse, or discrimination against female workers within the company.

The Director and the Trade Union of the company also fully carry out activities of visiting and supporting 240 cases of filial piety, illness, and disease from 2019 to 2023. There are gifts for all holidays, festivals, and women's labor. Special difficult cases at the company are contributed and supported, resulting in 6 difficult cases being assisted with a total amount of 150 million VND. This is a business that fully implements policies and laws regarding women's work, always creating favorable conditions for female workers to do suitable jobs according to their abilities and health; fair and equal in salary payment based on skills, training to improve skills and increase income, creating equal opportunities for career advancement.

The results achieved are thanks to the active activities of the Women's Union and the relentless efforts of Ms. Le Ha Tien, Head of the Women's Union at the grassroots level from 2015 until now. Ms. Tien has actively advised the Executive Committee of the grassroots trade union to implement regulations, policies, and laws related to female labor and for the development of women; organize cultural, artistic, and sports competitions at the company, fully participate in activities organized by the higher-level trade union, and achieve many awards. Tien has had many innovative ideas, creating a comfortable working space for employees. Notable examples include proposing the installation of rain shelters for convenient movement within the company; providing chairs with backrests for pregnant workers (supporting their health and reducing back pain caused by prolonged sitting, etc.)

Speaking about what she has done, Ms. Le Ha Tien shared: "The life of workers is still difficult, especially for female members. Through women's activities, I want to help female members overcome difficulties and strive in life. This is also the motivation for me to continue in women's activities."

Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Yen Huong (far right) and the Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Shyang Hung Cheng Company visited sick female workers at the boarding house.

The healthcare

At Shyang Hung Cheng Co., Ltd. (Thuận An City), Ms. Nguyễn Ngọc Yến Hương, Head of the Women's Union at the company, is a person who has made many contributions to protecting the rights and interests of female workers. She has many initiatives and suggestions that have been effective, such as including in the labor agreement the company's support for providing milk to pregnant female workers while solving issues related to female labor helps build harmonious labor relations at the factory, along with activities such as care, gifts, competitions, and performances for female workers.

In addition, Ms. Huong also organizes specialized classes on reproductive health care, gender equality, domestic violence prevention; flower arranging classes; makeup classes; aerobic classes; coordinating with hospitals to provide free reproductive health examinations for female workers. At Shyang Hung Cheng Company, female workers enjoy many benefits, as their children are sent to the company-built nursery school at the lowest cost.

Ms. Huong said that as the Head of Human Resources and the Head of the Women's Committee, she always focuses on factors related to female labor in the process of developing policies and activities at the factory. I am also a woman so I understand the hardships and difficulties of female labor. Besides work, they also carry the burden of their small family on their shoulders. I like to work in women's work because it involves humanitarian activities and takes better care of women in all aspects. Through these activities, female labor is increasingly enhancing their own value, fulfilling their role in work, and taking good care of themselves and their families. Therefore, despite being busy with professional work, I always take the time to think and plan activities for female labor care," Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Yen Huong shared.

With contributions to the construction of the women's movement at the grassroots level and assistance to female union members in enterprises in recent times, Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Yen Huong and Ms. Le Ha Tien have just been honored by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor at the meeting of key female union leaders at the provincial level, central agencies on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Trade Union (July 28, 1929 - July 28, 2024).

Reported by Quang Tam – Hoang Trung – Translated by Vi Bao

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