| 22-07-2011 | 00:00:00

Fire prevention and fighting in TDM Town, 10 years looking back: risks remain, neglection could not be overlooked

In 10 years’ time of implementing Fire Prevention and Fighting Law, in Thu Dau Mot Town 70 fires have broken out killing 1 people and causing damage of nearly 6 billion. The loss is not as much as the risks remaining.


As claimed by Senior Lieutenant Colonel Quang Xuan, who is now Vice Chief of Thu Dau Mot (TDM) Town Police Force, State’s bodies and the public have been ‘alerted’ with risks of fire and urged to commit to fire prevention and fighting, especially in production sectors of shoes, woodwork, gas, and textile.


In answering us, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tai, Chairman of TDM Town People’s Committee, said that public education has helped to minimize damages caused by fire. However, in reviewing 70 fires, risks remain because of heating up industrial and commercial development. Besides, awareness is also of concerns. Market places such as TDM common market, the allocation is too narrow for roads with pavements occupied while the sellers are neglected of fire risks. As the matter of fact, the TDM common market managers have prepared for the worse situation with a pumping system for 26 hoses and fire alarming system is always ready. The firemen groups are in weekly training courses ti be well-prepared.


Beside voluntary actions preventing fires, cooperation should be made with professional firemen to inspect locations of high buildings, commercial centers, common markets, supermarkets and business establishments of high risks of fire to ensure that fires would not break out.


Reported by Hoa Nhan – Translated by Vi Bao

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