| 31-05-2024 | 11:22:45

For a safe, effective and regulated exam

Today (May 31), more than 23,900 candidates from Binh Duong will enter the 10th grade public high school entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year. All careful preparations of material facilities, specific plans  plus the active efforts by teachers and students over the past time are bound for a serious, safe and effective exam in accordance with regulations.

Preparing the best conditions

Binh Duong province's 10th grade public high school entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year has more than 23,900 students registering for participation at 46 exam councils from secondary and high schools in the province. This is the last year of organizing the 10th grade entrance exam under the 2006 general education program. This year's exam basically remains stable in terms of professional contents, regulations on tasks and powers of members at exam councils…

More than 23,900 students from the province confidently enter the 10th grade public high school entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year

According to leaders of provincial Department of Education and Training, the preparation for the exam has been implemented by provincial Steering Committee for the 10th grade entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year in coordination with localities, relevant departments and sectors in the proactive, thorough and comprehensive spirit towards a safe, serious, fair exam for the best results.

This year, the number of exam councils and candidates taking the exam has increased compared to last year, but not much. Therefore, it does not put pressure on the preparation of material facilities and exam proctors. However, leaders of provincial Department of Education and Training note that exam councils throughout the province should not be negligent or subjective, but need to seriously carry out their assigned responsibilities so that the exam can take place smoothly and successfully, creating a premise for the organization of the 2024 high school graduation exam taking place at the end of June.

To prepare for the exam, provincial Department of Education and Training has soon directed teaching and learning work at educational institutions to set up preparatory plans for personnel, material facilities and equipment  for the exam and necessary conditions to organize the exam under regulations. All schools have provided accurate, complete, timely regulations and necessary information about the exam and its enrollment; answered candidates and parents’ questions about contents related to the exam.

Nguyen Van Phong, Deputy Director of provincial Department of Education and Training said that on May 29, the department had a meeting with exam councils to grasp the situation of material facilities as well as other issues to promptly correct them if any problems arise. “In the spirit of honesty and objectivity, we hope that exam proctors will play their full role, fully implement the exam’s rules and regulations among students to avoid situations that students unintentionally violate exam regulations, affecting their future", Mr. Phong said.

From the day that candidates heard the exam’s regulations, volunteers are present at the exam’s councils to support, guide and encourage the candidates' spirit

Confidently entering the exam

Before entering the exam, every candidate will surely have feelings of anxiety, nervousness mixed with excitement and determination. To Huynh Phuong Thao, a student of class 9B at Di An Secondary School in Di An city said that she registered for her 1st choice to enter Di An High School, so she carefully reviewed and prepared enough knowledge over the past time. However, she is still a bit worried because this is an important exam that determines her academic future.

Dang Thi Bao Ngoc, a student of class 9A3 at Trinh Hoai Duc Secondary School in Thuan An City shared: "Recently, I have been studying as hard as I can and trying to keep myself in the most comfortable spirit”. I hope I can obtain good results to get into the high school I want. I also hope all of you have comfortable, confident spirit and wish you good results in the upcoming exam".

In the serious atmosphere of the exam, wishes from teachers, friends and parents will be an invaluable source of encouragement, giving strength to candidates on their journey to conquer knowledge.  Nguyen Hong Hanh, an English teacher at Long Binh secondary school in Bau Bang district sends her message to all 9th ​​graders across the province: "I believe in your efforts during the last time. Hopefully, you stay calm, confident and try your best to complete the exam. The exam is important, but don't forget to stay healthy, with comfortable and optimistic spirit to be able to do your best. I wish all of you good results in the upcoming exams".

Candidates check personal information at the exam councils

Nguyen Van Cuu, Chairman of the Exam Council No. 2 at Vo Minh Duc High School in Thu Dau Mot city said that this year’s Exam Council No. 2 has 28 exam rooms with 672 candidates taking the exam. On the morning of May 30, all exam candidates at the Exam Council No. 2 were present to receive exam rooms, complete exam procedures, correct information (if there are errors) and listen to the exam’s regulations and schedule. “In the spirit of provincial Department of Education and Training, we have directed members to seriously organize exam administration under regulations, but must bring candidates comfortable mentality, providing them with maximum support in all aspects so that they can complete the exam well", Mr. Cuu said.

With specific review methods for students before the school's exams, along with the careful preparation of material facilities and other conditions, it is believed that the entrance exam for the 10th grade  public high schools in the 2024-2025 school year will take place in the province, ensuring seriousness, safety, compliance with regulations and achieving high results.

This year, Binh Duong has over 30,000 9th graders considered for graduation. Through career guidance work, more than 23,900 students registered to take the 10th grade public high school entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year at 46 exam councils located at secondary and high schools in the province. The expected enrollment target for the 2024-2025 school year of public high schools in the province is 13,735 students. In addition, private high schools and vocational-continuing education centers in the province also enroll more than 6,000 10th graders.

Reported by Hong Phuong-Translated by Kim Tin

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