| 12-10-2011 | 00:00:00

Forest-based economic development encouraged

Addressing the current session of the NA Standing Committee in Hanoi on October 11, Mr Hung noted that the national five-million ha afforestation program has helped not only protect the environment but also reduce poverty, generate jobs, and increase incomes for local people living the project area.

It was reported that by 2010 the national forest coverage had increased to nearly 40 percent from 32 percent since the program was implemented in 1998. It significantly improved the ecological environment and created material growing areas for the wood processing sector.

Notably, the program helped generate employment and increase incomes for local people, especially those living in ethnic-inhabited regions. More than 1.2 million households, of whom 38 percent were poor, took part in the program.

However, Phung Quoc Hien, Chairman of the NA Committee for Finance and Budget, said that the program remains slow going, pointing to the fact that Vietnam has more than 2 million hectares of barren land and hill left. In addition, deforestation has occurred in several places, causing serious consequences.   

“Forest development should go along with forest protection,” said Mr Hien. “To encourage local people to get involved in the program, they should be aware that they get economic benefits from planting forests.”

Lawmakers discussed the afforestation project from now until 2020 with a particular focus on developing rangers to prevent excessive forest exploitation.  


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