| 15-06-2024 | 14:15:25

Forest protection coupled with bio-diversity preservation

The management, protection, and development of forests, along with forest fire prevention and control, have always been given timely attention and guidance by the province. In addition, localities have established Command Committees and maintained the operations of teams at the commune level in forest management, protection, and fire prevention and control. The area of natural forests and planted forests has gradually increased, contributing to environmental protection, reducing natural disasters, and preserving biodiversity.

Well coordination

Since the end of 2023 and the first 6 months of 2024, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has organized many inspection teams to supervise and implement forest fire prevention and control plans. Forest fire prevention and control work always involves active coordination among forest rangers, police, military forces, and local authorities in inspecting, guiding forest owners in construction, and organizing the implementation of fire prevention and control plans. Infrastructure and equipment serving forest fire prevention and control are being prioritized for investments into.

The functional sector regularly patrols and protects the preventive forest against fires in the Cau mountain, Dau Tieng

In addition, the forest rangers have coordinated the management and protection of 10,674.27 hectares of forest and forestry land, ensuring no serious legal violations occur in the province. Furthermore, the monitoring and updating of forest developments are regularly conducted, providing advice to the provincial People's Committee for annual publication of results in accordance with regulations. In 2023 and the first 6 months of 2024, there have been 3 forest management units approved and implemented sustainable forest management plans with a total area of 6,236.07 hectares. Continuously implementing enclosure and nurturing, promoting regeneration and restoration of 1,808.85 hectares of natural forests, reforesting on exploited areas, contributing to enhancing the environmental protection capacity and other values of the forest.

As of now, the total area of ​​forests and forestry land in the province is 10,674.27 hectares. Of which, the forest area is 9,865.38 hectares, and the non-forest area is 809.89 hectares. The forest coverage rate of the province in 2023 is 3.04%. Mr. Pham Van Bong, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, assesses that the awareness of the local government and the people's responsibility for forest and land management has gradually improved. They have been able to mobilize the collective strength of all levels, sectors, and the people in protecting, developing, and preventing forest fires. In addition, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has directed and implemented many activities in the work of forest fire forecasting and early warning.

Forest rangers at the district level, mobile forest ranger teams, and forest management units maintain a 24/7 fire prevention and firefighting regime during the dry months. Timely, complete, and accurate reports on daily forest fire prevention and firefighting work are submitted at 15:00, every Thursday, along with a list of forest fire prevention and firefighting duty personnel for monitoring and consolidation according to regulations.

To concentrate on focal solution groups

The impact of the Elnino phenomenon, the average temperature and the number of hot sunny days in 2024 are much higher than in previous years. At the same time, in the current state of the Cau Mountain Nature Reserve (Dau Tieng district), there are areas with mixed fallen leaf forests, rocky bamboo, and accumulated litter layer over many years. In 2024, there was a fire incident with an area of about 4.5 hectares.

According to the Forest Protection Department's assessment, the fire risk in the Cau Mountain forest reserve is very high during the dry season. This forest area has tourist attractions, so pilgrims often visit the pagoda, especially during festivals. In addition, there are many roads leading to the forest, which makes forest management and fire prevention and fighting hard to carry out.

On the other hand, the forests in most districts are scattered and not concentrated, over a large area, the forest protection and management forces of the forest owners are thin, so patrols are limited to important areas. In addition, investing in machinery, equipment, and vehicles for forest protection, development, and fire prevention requires a large capital investment, while the budget is still difficult. This is a significant challenge for forest fire prevention in the province.

To ensure the implementation of tasks related to forest management, protection, and fire prevention in the coming time, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has deployed the implementation of several key tasks to strengthen propaganda and legal education in forest protection and fire prevention through various forms, suitable for each target group, so that all organizations and individuals understand and implement. The relevant departments and People's Committees of districts and cities are coordinated to effectively implement the plan to enhance the CPV's leadership in forest management, protection, and development. The provincial People's Committee is continually advised on addressing existing problems and obstacles in forest allocation and leasing, linking forest allocation with land allocation, and leasing forest land for production in Phu Giao district, Bac Tan Uyen district, Tan Uyen city, and Dau Tieng protective forest.

On the other hand, coordinate and synchronize the forces of forest rangers, police, military, and functional agencies in the management of forest protection, fire prevention and fighting. Strictly handle organizations and individuals who fail to fulfill their responsibilities, leading to forest fires, violating forestry laws, and causing damage to forest resources. Forest management units continue to implement the approved sustainable forest management plan. Reviewing, investing in infrastructure, promoting digital transformation in forest protection and fire prevention and fighting. At the same time, a 24/7 permanent force is arranged during the dry season peak to be ready for forest fire situations occurring in the province according to the 4 on-site principles.

In 2023, forest management units have replanted 41.35 hectares of acacia trees on production forest land at the Tan Phu Forestry Experimental Station (Tam Lap commune, Phu Giao district) and 175.36 hectares of rubber trees in Minh Hoa commune on the protective forest land of Cau Mountain (Dau Tieng district). The provincial People's Committee has issued land use certificates to forest owners with a total area of 9,442.05 hectares out of 10,674.27 hectares, reaching 88.79%. An area of 1,191.81 hectares of forestry land has not been granted a land use certificate due to the lack of completion of the transfer documentation process, preventing boundary encroachment.

Reported by Thoai Phuong – Translated by Vi Bao

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