| 07-11-2021 | 10:03:40

Fresh policies take effect from November

A string of new policies on VAT cuts for some goods and services, conditions on breeding or growing endangered wild animals and plants, assessment of Vietnamese language proficiency for foreigners will come into effect in November.

Reducing VAT for goods and services

Under Resolution 406/NQ-UBTVQH15, dated October 19, prescribed  by the National Assembly Standing Committee, value-added tax reduction from November 1, 2021, to the end of December 31, 2021, shall be applied to the following commodities and services: (i) Transport service (rail, water, aviation transport, and road transport; accommodation service; food and beverage service; services of travel agencies, tour operators and support services related to promotion and organization of tours and (ii) publishing products and services; services of cinematography, television program production, sound recording, and music publishing; artworks, creative, art services; services of libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural activities; sports and entertainment services (excluding publishing software and commodities, services produced and traded online).

Besides, to reduce 30% of the enterprise income tax payable in 2021 for taxpayers whose total revenue in 2021 does not exceed VND 200 billion and decreases compared to that in 2019.

The resolution is regarded as a correct and timely policy, and was well received by enterprises.

The Resolution offers support for enterprises and individuals affected by COVID-19 through tax reductions with a total value of up to VND 21.3 trillion (US$ 926 million).

The beneficiaries will enjoy direct tax reductions which isconsidered more practical than the extension of tax payments in previous support packages.

Amending conditions for raising of endangered wild fauna and flora species

Decree 84/2021/ND-CP (Decree 84) amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 06/2019/ND-CP of January 22, 2019, on the management of endangered, precious and rare forest plants and animals and implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora shall take force from November 30.

Decree No. 84 stipulates that within 2 working days after receiving a dossier of registration for a ranching facility’s code, a code-issuing agency specified in this Decree shall send a written request for certification to the CITES Scientific Authority of Viet Nam.

Within 15 working days after receiving the code-issuing agency’s written request, the CITES Scientific Authority of Viet Nam shall reply in writing and certify whether or not the breeding or growing affects the existence of the raised species and related species in the wild.

Fresh rules on testing of Vietnamese language proficiency for foreigners

Circular 27/2021/TT-BGDT of the Ministry of Education and Training on organization of Vietnamese language proficiency tests for foreigners shall come into effect from November 22.

Under the Circular, Vietnamese language proficiency certificates will be granted to foreigners who have passed a test within the six-level Vietnamese language competency framework.

The certificate form will be provided by the Ministry of Education and Training while certificate validity duration will be decided by agencies and units using it.

Accordingly, those tests, designed to assess foreigners’ Vietnamese language proficiency, including four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, are based on the Vietnamese language competency framework for foreigners issued previously.

Regarding the testing format, listening, reading and writing skills will be tested on paper or using computers, while the speaking skill test will be completed in face-to-face interviews with examiners or using computers.

The testing format will be decided on a case-by-case basis by test organizers, and informed to test takers before their registration.

Eligible for hosting tests are tertiary education institutions providing literature studies, Vietnamese literature teacher training, Vietnamese language studies, and Vietnamese culture studies, as well as units assigned by state agencies for providing Vietnamese language training for foreigners./.


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