| 31-07-2024 | 18:29:24

Further implementing solutions to ensure traffic safety

According to provincial Traffic Safety Committee, in the first six months of 2024, with drastic directions, active and synchronous efforts from all-level authorities and sectors, traffic order and safety in the province were maintained. In the remaining months of the year, agencies and sectors need to make greater efforts to reduce traffic accidents in all three criteria.

Drastic measures

Lieutenant Colonel Ngo Trong Sang, Head of provincial Police Traffic Police Department stated that in the first six months of 2024, the traffic order and safety situation in the province remained complicated. Specifically, traffic accidents increased in two criteria in the number of incidents and the number of injuries while the number of fatalities decreased. Analysis shows that the majority of accidents occurred between 12 pm and 6 pm.

The local traffic police force increases inspection of public transport vehicles to ensure traffic safety on key routes

To effectively control traffic order and safety, the local traffic police force focuses on five specific issues: violations related to alcohol and drug use; violations overloading, exceeding size limits, modifying vehicle bodies, and overloading beyond the safety mark; violations related to overtaking lane discipline and disobeying traffic signals, using fake documents related to drivers and vehicles. Additionally, provincial Police Agency has encouraged citizens to provide images, videos and clips of traffic violations as a basis for enforcement. So far, the local traffic police force has received and handled nearly 200 violation cases.

According to leaders of provincial Traffic Police Department, in a bid to reduce traffic accidents in the remaining months of the year, provincial Traffic Police Department has directed the local traffic police force to increase patrols across the area and effectively use technological equipment to detect violations. Additionally, they are coordinating with the 113 police force and other related forces to manage traffic at intersections, organizing propaganda and having business owners, drivers, and educational organizations to sign commitments to strictly comply with traffic regulations while also reviewing issues on roads to promptly make recommendations for improvement to higher authorities.

Meanwhile, Nguyen Van Tu, Chief Inspector of provincial Department of Transport stated that over the past time, the unit coordinated with provincial Police Agency to mobilize forces to address violations by freight transport and passenger transport vehicles. As a result, 94 violation reports were issued, leading to 94 penalty decisions for 109 violations. In the remaining months of the year, provincial Department of Transport Inspection will further coordinate with local authorities to rectify the encroachment of roads, pavements, road safety corridors; increase inspection, supervision on vehicle weight at freight hubs, warehouses, ports and construction material mines; strictly handle violations under regulations.

Building self-awareness, practicing civilized behavior

Speaking at the mid-year review conference on ensuring traffic order- safety and outlining directions for the remaining months of 2024, Nguyen Van Danh, Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee and Permanent Deputy Head of the Traffic Safety Committee emphasized the need to gradually improve voluntary compliance with the law and build up safe traffic culture. This aims at reducing accidents, effectively preventing and handling traffic congestion. All-level authorities and sectors of the province should focus on implementing key measures, including establishing order and discipline in traffic law compliance for both participants and forces on traffic law enforcement. Additionally, efforts should be made to build a sense of voluntary compliance and civilized, standard behavior among the people when participating in traffic, gradually forming up clear traffic culture among people.

Provincial People's Committee Vice Chairman directed member agencies of the Traffic Safety Committee to strictly implement Directive No. 23/CT-TW dated May 25, 2023, from the Central Party Secretariat; Directive No. 10/CT-TTg dated April 19, 2023, and Directive No. 31/CT-TTg dated December 21, 2023, from the Prime Minister on strengthening the work of ensuring traffic safety for students in the new situation. This includes focusing on preparations for the implementation of the Road Traffic Law and the Road Traffic Safety and Order Law as soon as these laws come into effect. Additionally, efforts should be accelerated to deploy a system of surveillance cameras to monitor and manage traffic, ensure public order and handle administrative violations.

Provincial Department of Transport focuses on implementing solutions to enhance the operational capacity of transportation infrastructure and long-term solutions to alleviate traffic congestion. Priority is given to the application of science and technology, and information technology in traffic management and monitoring. The management is tightened, and the inspection and supervision of training, examination, and issuance of driving licenses, technical safety management and vehicle inspection are strengthened. Efforts are concentrated on speeding up the implementation of traffic projects, works and plans on maintaining and repairing traffic infrastructure. The department will absolutely handle "black spots" on traffic accident; coordinate with road management units to check, promptly repair and supplement the power accumulators of traffic signal lights to ensure their system functions even during power outages.

*Handling to have “no prohibited areas, no exceptions
Nguyen Van Danh, Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee, Standing Deputy Head of provincial Traffic Safety Committee has requested provincial Police Agency to direct its traffic police force to strengthen patrols, control and handle violations according to topics; strengthen the application of "cold" sanctions for violations; handle the responsibilities of the person who delivers his or her vehicle to the driver when he or she is underage and does not have a driver's license; handle violations of regulations on traffic flow to ensure maintenance of effectiveness in preventing and combating traffic congestion of the hour and route-based traffic flow plan for some routes. In the process of handling traffic law violations, the law must be absolutely respected, with "no prohibited areas, no exceptions".
*According to a report from provincial Traffic Safety Committee, in the first 6 months of this year, through patrol and control, the local functional forces discovered 90,790 cases of violations on traffic safety and urban order; sanctioned 76,388 cases with a total amount of more than VND 199.3 billion. Over the past 6 months, the whole province had 474 traffic accidents, killing 215 people, injuring 434 people, and damaging 745 vehicles. There were no accidents on railway and waterway reported.

Reported by Quynh Anh-Translated by Kim Tin

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