| 25-04-2024 | 14:15:16

Impressions on the development journey

On April 1, 2014, Ben Cat Town was officially established according to Resolution No. 136/NQ-CP of the Government. After 10 years of construction and development, although facing many difficulties and challenges, with the solidarity, unity and high determination, the entire Party, the entire Army and the entire people of Ben Cat Town have tried their best to strive to lead the town to become a locality with the top economic growth rate in the province. The appearance of Ben Cat urban area is increasingly spacious, with infrastructure constantly being invested and perfected, industry becoming a key economic sector, trade and service activities…This is the premise for Ben Cat to become a modern, civilized and smart urban area.

 Industry accelerates

If during the two resistance wars against foreign invaders, Ben Cat was known as a land rich in revolutionary tradition with patriots and village names steadfast in fire and smoke, then today in the same land, generations have joined hands to create miracles in building and developing the homeland. The heroic land- Ben Cat is continuing to write new, radiant and glorious victories.

Implementing the policy of comprehensive renovation of the country and carrying out the industrialization and modernization initiated by our Party, Binh Duong province quickly transformed its economic structure, promoting investment attraction for industrial development. Many industrial zones were built one after another to attract many domestic and foreign businesses to invest in production and business. The province's economy developed rapidly, urbanization took place strongly, Binh Duong became a locality with high economic growth rate in the Southern Key Economic Region. To effectively exploit the local potential and advantages, the Provincial Party Committee advocates bringing industry to the northern districts with modern industrial parks such as My Phuoc 1, My Phuoc 2, My Phuoc 3, Viet Huong 2 … are built in turn. Ben Cat quickly became a key area to attract investment in the province when industrial parks came into operation.

Industry has transformed Ben Cat from a purely agricultural locality into a key area in attracting investment, industrial production, trade and service. To date, the town has 8 industrial parks with a total area of over 4,000 hectares and a concentrated production area with an area of 47.7 hectares, creating jobs for about 160,000 workers. Besides industry, Ben Cat Town continues to encourage and create conditions for economic sectors to invest in the field of trade and services; Focus on developing high-quality service industries, associated with industrial and urban development in a civilized and modern direction. In recent years, trade and service activities in the town have continuously developed, especially in industries and fields with breakthroughs and high added value, such as: Finance - credit, banking, real estate business. products, logistics... contribute to improving the value of trade and services in the economic structure.

Towards a modern, smart urban area

After 10 years since becoming a town, Ben Cat has achieved many important achievements, such as comprehensive economic development, industrialization, associated with urban development. Planning, capital construction investment, state management of land, environment, construction, and urban order have undergone new changes. The fields of culture, health care, and education continue to deepen, social security is guaranteed, people's lives are clearly improved both materially and spiritually, and the situation of political security and order. Social safety is maintained.

Up to now, Ben Cat Town has been approved by the Provincial People's Committee for the overall adjustment project of Ben Cat Town's general planning until 2040. The planning work is carried out methodically, aiming to build space for development and improvement of living stadards of people of all walks of life. In parallel with investing in modern urban development, Ben Cat Town also focuses resources on effectively implementing administrative reform and building digital government.

With the vision and goal of striving to become a smart, fast-growing and sustainable urban area, actively contributing to the development of Binh Duong smart city, as soon as the Provincial People's Committee has a plan to pilot The Provincial Intelligent Monitoring and Operation Center (IOC), Ben Cat Town, has proactively organized learning experiences from agencies and localities that have deployed IOC. At the same time, actively research, analyze, evaluate positive impacts, advantages, difficulties and plan roadmaps and solutions to ensure effective implementation of IOC. On that basis, the town coordinated with the Department of Information and Communications, the provincial IOC, and relevant agencies and units to submit and have the investment policy approved by the Provincial People's Committee.

After being put into use, IOC Ben Cat Town has integrated data into 22 subsystems with 260 indicators, covering the fields of economics - society, finance - planning, resources - environment, internal affairs, justice, inspection, labor - war invalids, health, education, culture and information, urban management, public administration, statistics, police... When put into operation, the IOC Ben Cat town effectively serves and supports effectively in leadership, direction and management of all aspects of socio-economic activities. From there, make quick, timely and accurate decisions, saving a lot of time and effort in the process of monitoring and managing work.

Ms. Tran Thi Thao, Vice Chairwoman of the Town People's Committee, said that the establishment of IOC Ben Cat Town is an important step towards building an effective and efficient digital government. However, according to Ms. Tran Thi Thao, in order for IOC Ben Cat Town to truly become the "brain" serving smart urban management, the town hopes to continue to receive attention and support in the coming time, coordinate on mechanisms, policies, professional expertise, share experiences of provincial departments and branches with localities in managing and operating IOC so that the town steadily steps towards the goal of becoming a city. Ben Cat in 2024 and become a smart urban area in the future.

In the near future, when IOC Ben Cat Town is operated stably, it will be a turning point for the town to transform the way of operation, direction and administration of the town from the traditional environment to the digital environment, thereby promoting develop the pillars of digital government, digital economy and digital society.

 After 10 years of continuous efforts, the Party Committee, government and people of Ben Cat, with their revolutionary tradition, diligence and creativity in work, have brought the town to achieve and exceed the targets according to the criteria for success. establish a city. The approval of the resolution by the National Assembly Standing Committee to establish two wards, An Dien, An Tay and Ben Cat city, is a great excitement for the Party Committee, government and people of Binh Duong, and thereby recognizes the achievements With outstanding efforts, the unanimity of officials, party members and people of Ben Cat town have joined forces and wholeheartedly to successfully implement the set goals and tasks, determined to build the homeland Ben Cat that are increasingly rich, beautiful, modern, civilized, intelligent, kind and worth-living.

Reported by T.Dung, T.Tien – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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