| 24-05-2024 | 10:29:56

Local economy changes positively with social welfare guaranteed

In May and the first 5 months of 2024, the local production and business situation continued reaching many positive changes. The local fields of industrial production, trade - services, and exports all increased. The local political security, social order and safety situation was also maintained. Provincial People's Committee continued synchronously deploying solutions to remove difficulties in production and business activities, speeding up construction progress and disbursing public investment capital,  contributing to stimulating the local economy.

Maintaining growth

On the afternoon of May 23, Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee chaired the 61st meeting of provincial People's Committee. The meeting was attended by Mai Hung Dung, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee and representatives of leaders of departments, sectors and People's Committees of cities and districts in the province.

Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee speaks at the 61st meeting of provincial People's Committee on the afternoon of May 23

At the meeting, delegates heard the presentation of provincial People's Committee's executive direction report and the local socio-economic, national defense and security situation in May 2024. In May, the province's socio-economic situation continued developing stably. Industrial production, trade - services, and exports all increased. State budget revenues and expenditures were in accordance with estimates. The province’s foreign affairs and international cooperation continued being effective. The local political security, social order and safety situation was maintained. The local situation of traffic accidents reduced in all 3 criteria...

The report of provincial People's Committee said that the production and business situation of enterprises in the area had many positive changes. The local Index of Industrial Production (IIP) in May 2024 was estimated at  increasing by 1.34% and 11.7% compared to the previous month and the same period last year. Policies to stimulate consumer market demand continued being implemented effectively by the province. The province’s total retail sales revenue of goods and services was estimated at reaching more than VND28.35trillion while export turnover was estimated at nearly US$3.1 billion...

Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of provincial People's Committee Vo Van Minh requested departments, sectors and localities to continue focusing on removing obstacles for real estate projects while accelerating completion of legal procedures and documents to ensure the progress of investment and construction for projects and disbursement of public investment capital. Particularly, they need to focus on accelerating the progress of key traffic  projects and projects under the local socio-economic recovery and development program.

At the meeting, leaders of provincial Department of Industry and Trade presented 3 plans to relocate the power grid on belt road 3 of Ho Chi Minh city to contribute to speeding up the progress of the project. Representatives of provincial Police Agency presented reports and resolutions stipulating criteria for establishing the Security and Order Protection Team and the number of members; the draft proposal and separate resolution approving the Project on organizing forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots; the draft proposal to develop regulations in drug detoxification, post-drug detoxification management and support for specialized forces directly fighting against drug crimes...

Leaders of provincial Department of Education and Training also presented a draft proposal to develop tuition regulations from the 2024-2025 school year for public preschool and general education establishments. Provincial Department of Health also presented a draft promulgating regulations on decentralization and coordination of State management of private medical and pharmaceutical practice. The meeting also asked for opinions on transferring the Trusted Housing Development Fund to the Bank for Social Policies to provide preferential loans for low-income people to buy social housing apartments. After listening to the draft proposals,  resolutions and discussing at the meeting, Chairman of provincial People's Committee Vo Van Minh and members of the People's Committee basically agreed with the contents of the proposals and opinions to complete and submit them into provincial People's Council for approval at the upcoming meeting.

Further supporting, removing difficulties

Concluding the meeting,  Chairman of provincial People's Committee Vo Van Minh requested departments and sectors to continue drastically implementing the directions of the Government, provincial Party Committee, People's Council and provincial People's Committee's plan on the local socio-economic development; focus on reviewing and removing obstacles in production and business activities, building a set of criteria to attract selective investment in the province, giving priority to attracting high-technology industries that are environmentally friendly while setting up a plan to convert functions and relocate factories in Binh Duong Industrial Park, setting up a plan to establish provincial centralized information technology park, making planning for a mechanical industrial park...

Leaders of departments and sectors in the province speak at the meeting

Chairman of provincial People's Committee Vo Van Minh also requested relevant units to complete provincial Planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 and submit it into the Prime Minister for approval; complete the 5-year land use plan from 2021 to 2025, implement a urban greenery project, a social housing development project for the period of 2021-2025, with an orientation to 2030, a project to exploit land fund, generate revenue from land to serve the local socio-economic development in the period of 2024-2025, with an orientation to 2030.

Along with that, they need to well perform social welfare work, pay attention to taking care of the material and spiritual lives of the people and policy beneficiaries, continue connection and recruitment activities, grasping the local labor and employment situation; urgently agree on plans to remove medical facilities on Yersin street, Thu Dau Mot city and receive the 1,500-bed Hospital Project Cluster; complete a project to consolidate, strengthen and develop human resources and facilities of the province's education and training sector for the period of 2022-2025, with an orientation to 2030. Besides, Chairman of provincial People's Committee also requested departments and sectors to continue effectively implementing administrative reform, digital transformation, Project 06 and smart city, tasks and solutions to improve the 2024 Administrative Reform Index.

In May 2024, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) was estimated at increasing by 1.34% and 11.7% over the previous month and the same period last year. The province’s total retail sales revenue of goods and services was estimated at more than VND28.35 trillion. The province’s export turnover was estimated at nearly US$ 3.1 billion. The province attracted US$69 million in FDI capital... The province’s new State budget revenue was estimated at VND 4.6trillion. The figure over the past 5 months was estimated at more than VND30.09 trillion, up 6% over the same period, or 42% of provincial People's Council estimate. The province’s total disbursement value of public investment capital as of May was more than VND3.17trillion or 14.4% of the plan assigned by provincial People's Council and 20.8% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister.

Reported by Minh Duy-Translated by Kim Tin

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