| 02-11-2011 | 00:00:00

National Assembly deputies want to reduce confidential documents

Deputy Le Thi Nga

“We must recognize the powerful influence of the media in raising effect and enhance the power of the NA’s supervisory task through live broadcasting the NA’s sessions. Through this channel, nationwide constituents can supervise the NA’s activities and give feedback effectively,” Nga said at the session on the NA’s supervisory program in 2012 in the morning of October 31.

 Nga suggested opening a television channel for the National Assembly, which will air live almost all NA sessions. Temporarily, more NA sessions should be aired live, she added.

 The deputy also proposed to expand the media’s right to access to the NA’s activities. “We have appended confidential seal on documents that are not secret at all. Judicial activities on investigation, prosecution and judgment are public, but most reports on these activities are sealed confidential,” Nga said.

 Deputy Duong Trung Quoc of the southern province of Dong Nai added that the NA has to make favorable conditions for citizens to supervise the NA’s activities. He said it is feasible to open a television channel of the NA in the context that there are many “useless” TV channels now.

 Quoc also agreed that the NA should take advantage the media to enhance its supervisory function.

 Nga and many deputies proposed the NA to supervise the implementation and observance of the law on traffic safety in 2012 because this is an urgent matter in Vietnam now.

 NA deputies also said Parliament should strengthen its overall supervisory role next year.

 They made the request after scrutinizing a NA Standing Committee report on the National Assembly's planned supervisory activities next year.

 NA deputy Bui Manh Hung said the report had failed to assess the results and efficiency of lawmakers' supervision of the socio-economic situation, national defense and security, law execution and NA resolutions.

 He also said lawmakers were yet to be informed about the effectiveness of the NA's role as supervisor over the last few years.

 "Once such problems are resolved they will motivate the NA to improve its overall supervision next year," Hung said.

 Deputy Le Thi Nga asked the NA to pay due attention to the supervision of individuals and organizations.

 She said the efficiency of the NA's role as overseer had significantly dropped over the last few years as not enough attention had been paid to gathering deputies' opinions on the matter.

 Nga said reports had been sent to deputies for consideration but that their views had not officially been sought.

 She also suggested the NA encourage the press and voters to have more say on the matter.

 Deputy Nguyen Minh Son agreed that a general assessment report should be made on the NA's supervisory role.

 NA seeks updates on national targets

 NA deputies also discussed the results of the implementation of the 2011 and 2012-2015 national target programs and the 2011-15 Government bond plan at separate groups yesterday afternoon.

 NA deputy Nguyen Van Phuc voiced his concern over an increasing number of national target programs, saying it went against development.

 It was principle for all national target programs to set goals which must be accomplished within the required time, but a number of programs were still being implemented after many years, wasting State budget, he said.


Phuc asked NA committees to assess reports on the implementation of goals and tasks of future national target programs and send them to NA deputies for discussion.

 He said it was not scientific to rely on a sole report by the NA Committee for Finance and Budget about the issue as it was now. The combination would help deputies decide if these programs should be implemented or not.

 Phuc said resolutions on the implementation of national target program-mes presented to the NA for approval must contain goals, criteria and principles to prove their necessity.

 NA deputies were told that there were 16 national targets in Vietnam at present.

 NA deputy Vo Kim Cu said it was necessary to re-examine these programs to avoid waste and repetition of the same goals and tasks.

 Both Cu and Phuc stressed on the necessity to have a legal basis on combining repeated components in national target programs.

 Regarding national programs in new rural areas, Cu said it was necessary to invest more in them because they would ensure food security, economic security and sustainable development.

 NA deputy Nguyen Duc Hai pointed out that many programs had not yet met given goals like the clean water program so as it was a must to review and assess the efficiency of such programs.

 NA deputy Nguyen Thanh Hoa, meanwhile, said she was concerned by the NA Committee for Finance and Budget's proposal to reject projects designated to disseminate information and education for people as a part of national target programs.

 She said it was impossible to do so in such programs as hygiene and food safety, anti-drug and anti-crime, otherwise people's awareness on these issues would not be raised.

 NA deputies also focused on measures how to use Government bonds effectively.

 Most of them agreed that Government bonds had been used in accordance with given goals set by the NA. They heard that a large sum had been invested in key socio-economic infrastructure facilities, mountain, border and other difficult areas from 2003-11. To ensure national financial security and balance the State budget as well as public debts, the Government has asked the NA to mobilize VND225 trillion (US$10.7 billion) in Government bond in the 2011-15 period.

 According to an appraisal by the NA Committee for Finance and Budget, the amount of money was reasonable in the context of present difficulties that the country was coping with.

 As planned, this source of capital would be invested in projects which were over 70 per cent completed, projects in mountain areas, and Hong (Red) River and Cuu Long (Mekong) delta regions, as well as reservoirs and channels in border areas.

 NA deputy Do Manh Hung recommended adding Government bonds to the State budget overspending and public debts to make the Government and relevant ministries take responsibility over the use of this source.

 Vietnamnet/ Le Nhung

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