| 05-07-2024 | 13:21:02

Province motivates innovation and develops science and technology

According to a report presented at the conference summarizing and evaluating the 2023 Provincial Innovation Index (PII) held on July 4th, Binh Duong ranks 8th in the country. This result provides scientific evidence for policy planning and strategies for science, technology development, and innovation tailored to Binh Duong's conditions, potentials, and advantages.

Favorable development

The Provincial Innovation Index was developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology to provide an overall realistic picture of the current state of the socio-economic development model based on the science, technology, and innovation of each locality. Thereby, the PII provides the basis and evidence of strengths, weaknesses, potential factors and necessary conditions to promote socio-economic development based on science, technology and innovation.

Binh Duong is gathering resources on developing an innovation and science and technology ecosystem. In photo:  Eastern International University students practice automation technology process experiments.

According to the 2023 PII report, Binh Duong province reached 48.64 points, ranking 8th in the country. Meanwhile, Hanoi has the highest score of 62.86 points. Binh Duong is ranked third in the number of leading indicators, with 7 indicators out of a total of 52 component indices. These indicators include the ratio of enterprises involved in research and development and innovation activities, the number of newly established businesses, the proportion of people over 15 years old with jobs, and average income per capita. In the Southeast region, Binh Duong has the third highest PII score. The highest score, 55.85 points, is held by Ho Chi Minh City.

Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee: The Provincial Innovation Index (PII) is very important for Binh Duong because the province aims to develop a smart and innovative city. The PII will serve as a crucial tool for the province to understand the current status of science, technology, and innovation activities in the area and to devise appropriate development solutions.

Nguyen Vo Hung, Head of the Innovation Policy Department at the Academy of Science, Technology, and Innovation, has assessed Binh Duong as one of the provinces with a strongly developed economy and significant advantages in promoting PII. According to Hung, one of Binh Duong's notable strengths is its robust economic development, stable growth, and an attractive investment environment that draws the attention of businesses and investors. The development of industrial parks and local businesses has led to the creation of quality infrastructure and human resources, providing an ideal foundation for promoting innovation. Additionally, Binh Duong has started to heavily invest in research and development.

“Another important factor is the close cooperation between businesses, educational and research institutions. This relationship not only provides opportunities for sharing knowledge and experience but also trains high-quality human resources, helping to strengthen innovation capacity in the local business community. Binh Duong also has a diverse labor source with good qualifications and training quality, creating favorable conditions for promoting innovation and development," said Nguyen Vo Hung.

According to Dr. Nguyen Viet Long, Director of Provincial Department of Science and Technology, this is a very encouraging result, a testament to the efforts and determination of the entire political system and business community in promoting innovation. “Through the PII ranking, Binh Duong seeks to comprehensively assess the province's innovation capacity, encompassing input factors and output results. This evaluation enables a comparative analysis with other regions, facilitating the extraction of valuable insights, the acquisition of knowledge, and the strategic placement of Binh Duong within the national innovation landscape. Moreover, leveraging the PII ranking, the province can substantiate its policy, strategy, and planning endeavors for the development of science, technology, and innovation in alignment with Binh Duong's specific conditions, potential, and strengths.", Long said.

Complete the ecosystem

Binh Duong identifies science, technology, and innovation as strategic breakthroughs that play an important role in successfully implementing socio-economic development goals and making the province a bright spot in the Southern Key Economic Region. To achieve this goal, Binh Duong has been concentrating on implementing important guidelines and policies, developing and refining the Innovation Ecosystem, attracting and cultivating high-quality human resources, and advancing green transformation, digital transformation, and continuing the smart city development strategy in line with Industry 4.0.

Eastern International University develops an innovation ecosystem to serve the needs of high-quality human resource training

Binh Duong has many strengths, but still faces some challenges and limitations in the process of promoting innovation and creativity at the local level. According to Dr. Nguyen Viet Long, one of the big challenges is the lack of financial and technical support for businesses and individuals in promoting innovation. This scarcity of resources can slow the development and adoption of new technology. Binh Duong also faces increasing competition from neighboring regions and internationally.

Nguyen Thi Phuong Mai, a researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy and Policy at the Academy of Science, Technology and Innovation, pointed out that Pillar 1 (Institution) is the weakest aspect in Binh Duong's 2023 PII, ranking at 60. She's contributing fresh ideas to boost the PII rankings and enhance innovation efficiency in the region. For this pillar, the province needs to strengthen the improvement of the policy environment and business environment. For Pillar 2 (Human capital and development research), Binh Duong needs to increase investment in education and training, science and technology from the local budget, encourage and create favorable conditions for high school students to take part in scientific and technical competitions. For Pillar 4 (Market development level), the province needs to encourage and create favorable conditions for the formation and development of professional service and science and technology enterprises. Regarding Pillar 6 (Knowledge, creativity and technology products), Binh Duong needs to encourage creative activities and register intangible assets, and encourage the registration of science and technology enterprises.

Reported by Phuong Le - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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