| 27-09-2011 | 00:00:00

Provincial Social Cultural Committee works with Phu Giao district

At the working session, the delegation heard about operational efficiency of communal and township cultural post offices and radio stations. The district has so far had 9 communal cultural post offices founded in 2002 with the area of 300sqm for each office.

As of June, 2011, only 7 offices were under operation and until Sept, 2011 only 4 offices were under operation. The communal cultural post offices have yet to bring efficiency for local residents.

In terms of radio network, the entire district has 11 radio stations but the stations’ efficiency only reached 50-80%, owing to recession of equipments.  

At the working session, the district leaders presented difficulties in operating communal cultural post offices and radio stations.

Addressing the working session, Nguyen Minh Giao recorded the local leaders’ petitions and asked the district to map out measures for operation of the post offices and radio stations.

Reported by H.Phuong – Translated by A.C

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