| 27-07-2024 | 12:14:24

Shining moral principal of "When drinking water, remember its source "

In recent days, thousands of families of revolutionary contributors in the province have been promptly visited, paid tribute and encouraged by all-level leaders on the occasion of the 77th Anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2024). This activity demonstrates the deep respect and concern in taking care of the living conditions, employment, health and social welfare of revolutionary contributors’ families, continuously improving their standard of living by the Party committees, authorities at all levels in the province and the community.

Wholehearted and thoughtful

The activities to pay tribute to the families of revolutionary contributors have become a beautiful tradition among officials, Youth Union members and civil servants across the province over the past years. In addition to effectively implementing policies for revolutionary contributors as regulated, each unit and locality has also engaged in activities to provide houses for specific individuals, support the offspring of revolutionary contributors with employment and education, care for their health, give out health insurance cards and savings books to them.

Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee and Permanent Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee extends best regards and offers gifts to  war invalid Nguyen Van Tien in Tan Uyen city’s Khanh Binh ward on the occasion of July 27 this year

Being visited, given gifted and paid tribute by provincial leaders on this July 27 occasion, Dong Van Ve (born in 1947), a 3/4 war invalid residing in Tan Uyen city’s Khanh Binh ward expressed his joy and emotion at the thorough care shown by all-level authorities for revolutionary contributors. He shared: "The care for revolutionary contributors’families in the area is very attentive, improving year after year. The commune always effectively implements policies for revolutionary families as regulated. Additionally, they strive to mobilize social resources to build each gratitude house despite the limited resources".

"Up to now, most of revolutionary contributors’ families have had good houses, with allowance policies continuously improved and their daily lives have been improved day by day. "During holidays and festivals, the visits and gifts from provincial and local leaders, extending best regards and sharing with us, are very precious. At nearly 80 years old, what could be more joyful than seeing the hometown where I live and contribute daily develop; from a rural area, my homeland has developed into a city", Mr. Ve shared.

 In addition to providing care through gifts during holidays and festivals, local mass organizations frequently organize support and care for the families of heroic Vietnamese mothers, wives of martyrs and war invalids who are ill. Activities such as cleaning and taking care of the homes of these mothers and uncles during holidays and Tet have brought great spiritual significance to revolutionary contributors. This also reminds today's young generation not to forget the contributions and sacrifices of revolutionary contributors’families, encouraging them to strive for excellence in their efforts and studies.

Improving revolutionary contributors’ living standards

According to provincial Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs (DoLISA), provincial Party committee and government have always improved their responsibilities and paid more attention to the work of "paying debt of gratitude", considering it as one of the key, regular tasks that must be performed well. Nguyen Ngoc Hang, Deputy Director of provincial DoLISA stated: "In addition to preferential policies regulated by the government, the province has issued some specific policies to provide additional support for revolutionary contributors”.

Specifically, provincial DoLISA advised provincial People's Committee and People's Council on the issuance of Resolution No. 08/2018/NQ-HĐND regarding support policies for certain revolutionary contributor groups in the province (providing an additional 15% of the current allowance and 30% of the current standard level as regulated by the Government, depending on the specific group). The Resolution No. 09/2019/NQ-HĐND was also issued regarding funeral support policies for certain groups in the province (providing additional support from VND 20million to VND35 million per case), which has been implemented since January 1, 2019.

In 2020, provincial People's Council issued the Resolution No. 17/2020/NQ-HĐND, which stipulates support levels for building and repairing houses for revolutionary contributors in the province (support for new construction is VND 100 million per house and VND 50 million per house for repairs; for houses built on weak foundations, an additional VND 20 million per house for new construction and an additional VND 10 million per house for repairs). This policy has been implemented since January 1, 2021.

In addition, each year, provincial DoLISA advises provincial People's Committee on allocating over VND 2.3 billion from State budget to organize trips for outstanding revolutionary contributors to Con Dao or Phu Quoc prisons, tours the capital Hanoi, visiting President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum. They also provide free medical treatment for heroic Vietnamese mothers and severely wounded soldiers  when they are ill or when their injuries recur, according to mid-to-high-level treatment regimes. The department also mobilizes organizations and individuals to commit to lifelong support for 100% of living heroic Vietnamese mothers, with a monthly support level of VND 1 million or more.

Mrs. Hang added: "The “paying debt of gratitude” movement has become a widespread movement within the political system and among the people. Every year, besides the government's regulation for holiday and Tet support funds, Binh Duong organizes the distribution of gift support for revolutionary contributors during the traditional Tet holiday and the War Invalids and Martyrs' Day anniversary, with the support level always being equal to or higher than the previous year. Specifically, the highest support for the Lunar New Year festival is VND 10 million per person and the lowest level is VND 1.3 million per person; for the July 27 holiday, the highest support is VND 3 million per person and the lowest level is VND 800,000 per person. This aims at contributing to improving the material and spiritual lives of revolutionary contributors in the province”.

To date, most revolutionary contributors in the province have a standard of living equal to or higher than that of the local population; 100% of communes, wards and townships maintain the title of "excellent in working with war invalids, martyrs and revolutionary contributors”.

To further improve the "paying debt of gratitude” movement, in the future, local authorities and relevant departments need to mobilize more social resources to better care for the material and spiritual lives of revolutionary contributors. They should create favorable conditions for wounded soldiers, sick soldiers, martyrs' families and revolutionary contributors to further uphold self-reliance and resilience, develop production, improve living standards and participate in social activities. (Nguyen Ngoc Hang, Deputy Director of provincial Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs)

Reported by Quang Tam-Translated by Kim Tin

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