| 09-03-2018 | 20:35:15

The support level of building new farm animal waste treatment project in Binh Duong province 2017-2020


The provincial People's Committee has just issued a decision on the support level of the construction of a new farm animal waste treatment project in Binh Duong province 2017-2020. Accordingly, the level of one support is up to 50% of the construction value of biogas project; The support level shall not exceed VND5 million / project / household.

Eligible subjects are households directly engaged in raising pigs and buffaloes, except for households engaged in processing for enterprises defined in Article 1 of the Ministry of Finance's Circular No. 205/2015/TT-BTC, meet the regular-size condition of not less than 5 sows or 10 pigs or 3 cows and the equivalent. Financial mechanism and mode of support are specified in Clause 3, Article 2, Circular No. 205/2015/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance.

Reported by H.A – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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