| 21-12-2011 | 00:00:00

Thu Dau Mot town Labor Union receives first class Labor Order

Thu Dau Mot town party committee secretary grants first class Labor Order to town Labor Union’s collective.

In response to the 2011 emulation movement of “good and creative laborers”, “thrift practice and waste and corruption prevention”, 100% of labor unions of administration and business bloc and over 85% of labor unions of non-State business bloc in the town registered to implement works of labor safety and hygiene.

Through the emulation movements, labor unions honored thousands of excellent individuals and workgroups. The whole town has so far had 186 grassroot labor unions with over 14,000 members.

On the occasion, the town Labor Union was awarded first class Labor Order and 16 workgroups and 47 individuals reached merit certificates.

Reported by H.Thuan – Translated by A.C

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