| 30-09-2011 | 00:00:00

Vietnam attends UNESCO Executive Board’s 187th session

President of the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO Nguyen Thanh Son has joined representatives from 57 other member countries of the UNESCO Executive Board at the 187th session in Paris, France.

The participants discussed orientations for future activities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and preparatory work for the 36th session of the UNESCO General Assembly slated for October 2011.

At the opening of the board’s session on September 27, Son, who is also Deputy Foreign Minister, said UNESCO titles given to Vietnam, including the world cultural heritages, the world biosphere reserves and the world geological parks have contributed to social and economic development in localities and the country in general.

The Vietnamese diplomat spoke highly of the organisation’s reform and said that Vietnam will organise an international seminar next year on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritages.

For her part, UNESCO General Director Irina Bokova said that the organisation has recorded important achievements in education, especially for women and children, apart from outstanding results in science and information. 

In addition, the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity has brought into play its effects in preserving cultures since it was signed in 2005, she added.

Irina Bokova said UNESCO will prioritise promoting the reform of UNESCO in the context of shrinking finances due to the impact of the global financial downturn.

At a meeting with Deputy FM Son, UNESCO General Director Irina Bokova highlighted Vietnam’s contributions to the success of UNESCO with its diversified and effective activities in various fields.

She said she hoped Vietnam will make more contributions to the development of UNESCO, and congratulated the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO on its 35th founding anniversary (June 15, 2012).


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