| 10-08-2011 | 00:00:00

VOV cooperates with Thailand in broadcasting

Radio Voice of Vietnam (VOV) and Thailand will boost the exchange of radio and television programmes, cross-promotion via the internet and cooperation in training human resources.


The third Joint Technical Meeting between VOV and Thailand’s Public Relations Department (PRD) took place at the VOV headquarters on August 9, 2011. VOV and PRD signed their first cooperation agreement in 1999.

The meeting, presided over by VOV Deputy Director General Dao Duy Hua and Vice Head of the Thai PRD, Ladavan Bua-aim, focused on cooperation in radio, television, news and information.

Head of the VOV International Department Nguyen Tien Long said every month VOV sends eight radio programmes to Thailand. He proposed the two sides cooperate on producing radio programmes for major events in both countries, with a focus on economics, society and culture.

VOV and the PRD agreed that as of October 2011, Thailand will send VOV four radio features a month on topics of mutual concern such as socio-economic development, cultural exchanges, and environmental protection.

The Thai side also sought to cooperate with VOVTV in producing TV programmes that target overseas Vietnamese and Thai communities in their countries of residence, as well as Thai and Vietnamese cuisine.

Both sides also agreed to post their logos on each other’s website.

The PRD presented VOV with a 23-minute documentary entitled ‘The Life and cause of President Ho Chi Minh’ produced by the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand, which will be aired on VOVTV in the future.


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