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Tổng Biên tập: LÊ MINH TÙNG
Through honor and hardship, Lieutenant Colonel Vo Van Hong is always ready to fight crimes and fulfill his leadership of criminal and social security investigation police team under Thuan An Security Force.
Lieutenant Colonel Vo Van Hong (R) exchanges work with his junior
He appears frequently in propaganda events promoting exemplary models of movement “studying and following Ho Chi Minh moral example”. He is considered one of the security officers working close to community and the people. Regardless of severity of crime cases, he always gets to the scene to share with victims and try to solve the cases wisely. For him, the 6 teachings of Uncle Ho are now in his blood as well as in his thoughts, doings and live hood.
His achievements are great with plenty of titles and merits since 2003. He recalled his career in Thuan An from June up to date joining major crime cases including the custody of extremely dangerous robber gang.
In leading positions, he observes plans proposed by provincial and local security forces so as to designate and command his junior colleagues to act against crimes, especially tasks of crimes prevention. Annually, he consults with district’s security force to use measures minimizing legal breaches and potentially preventing serious and extremely serious crimes in the locality.
In 7 years of leadership, he has commanded investigation of 2,440 cases involving 3,500 arrestees; solving of 21 special criminal cases with 199 arrestees; capturing 221 gangs and 352 criminals.
In the time being, he stays focus on building confidential forces to effectively prevent or solve special crime cases. He has trained 16 secret agents and directly commanded them to train other 50 secret agents who have all helped in 39 special and 10 suspicious cases.
By October 20, he successfully defended his M.A thesis on preventing and investigating assets robbery conducted by criminal and social security investigation police team under Binh Duong Security Force.
Reported by Ho Van – Translated by Vi Bao