| 28-06-2024 | 12:14:21

First day of 2024 high school graduation exam: Manageable questions, confident candidates

Yesterday, June 27, along with 12th graders nationwide, those in Binh Duong completed the first day of the 2024 high school graduation exam with a literature test in the morning and a math test in the afternoon. According to a quick report from provincial Department of Education and Training (DoET), the first day proceeded safely, seriously, and in accordance with regulations. The exam questions were manageable under the assessment of students, ensuring the assessment of basic knowledge and the ability to differentiate student levels with difficult questions.

Nguyen Van Phong, Deputy Director of provincial DoET and Chairman of the Exam Council 44 inspected the exam site of Chu Van An Secondary School in Thu Dau Mot city

Manageable exam questions

As observed, candidates arrived early at official exam locations throughout the province to stabilize their psychology, being ready for this crucial exam concluding 12 years of study. In the first session, candidates took a 120-minute literature test, one of the three mandatory tests and the only essay test in the entire exam. This test has the longest duration. Before the first test, Tran Uyen Nhi from Di An High School reviewed her literature notes. “I am most confident in literature, so even though it’s the first test, I feel relaxed. I hope to score high in this subject”, Nhi shared.

Candidates at Chu Van An Secondary School in Thu Dau Mot city on the first day of the exam

After 120 minutes, candidates left the exam venue in hot weather, but with evident joy and smiles. Most said the literature exam was not too difficult, well-aligned with the sample structure, but still ensured differentiation. Many hoped for high scores in this subject. Cao Ngoc Anh from Vo Minh Duc High School in Thu Dau Mot City was pleased, saying that the first test was quite good and manageable. The essay part asked to analyze Nguyen Khoa Điem’s poem “Dat nuoc” (homeland), a poem she likes and did well on.

In the afternoon, candidates took a 90-minute multiple-choice math test. One of the first candidates to leave the exam at Trinh Hoai Duc High School in Thuan An city, Nguyen Thanh Hien, noted that the math test had 50 questions, with the last 10 being the hardest and most complex, involving integrals and other complicated calculations. She was confident to fulfill about 80% of the test.

Parents’ expectation

Throughout this exam journey, despite supporting their children through intense preparation, many parents were still anxious about the exam results. Parents arranged work and took leave to accompany their children to the exam. “I was also nervous all night yesterday. This morning, I got up at 4 a.m. It’s the first time I’ve taken my child to an exam, so I was quite tense. Parents are always worried, but try to hide their feelings to encourage their children. We don’t leave after dropping them off, just hoping they stay calm and do well”, shared Đoan Thanh Thuy from Di An city.

Parents hug and give encouragement for their daughter at Phu My Secondary School in Thu Dau Mot city

Pham Thi Lien from Chanh Phu Hoa ward in Ben Cat city said it was her second time taking her child to the high school graduation exam, but was still worried. This year, her child aimed at entering Eastern International University. “Even though my child is an excellent student, I still worry when she takes the exam. I hope they stay confident, calm and lucky”, Mrs.Lien expressed.

Some parents were quite relaxed. Do Van Cuong from An Phu ward in Thuan An city shared that his son was well-prepared by teachers and was comfortable before the exam. His son aimed at entering Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture and had done well in the competency assessment exam. He hoped his son would complete the exam without failing any subjects.

Pham Thi Phuong from Hoi Nghia ward in Tan Uyen city decided to stay at the exam site, due to the long distance from home. She trusted her child’s academic abilities and hoped he would stay calm and confident throughout the two exam days.

Parents ‘support and understanding will be a motivation for candidates to confidently complete the high school graduation exam. Today (June 28), candidates will sit for a 50-minute combined test in Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) or Social Sciences (History, Geography, and Citizen Education). On the afternoon of the same day, they will do an English test within 60 minutes.

According to the quick report from provincial DoET, on the first day, 24 candidates were absent from the literature exam and 35 from the math exam, including 9 exempted ones. To ensure a serious and regulated exam process, inspection delegations were organized to monitor exam sites in Dau Tieng district, Bau Bang district and Thu Dau Mot city.

Reported by Hong Phuong-Minh Hieu-Translated by Kim Tin

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