| 20-09-2024 | 11:24:12

High-tech animal husbandry on sharp growth

As of late August 2024, the whole province had 760,229 pigs, an increase of 4.4%; 15,209,700 fowls, up 9.3% compared to the same period in 2023; 3,736 buffaloes and 19,386 cows. The province’s high-tech animal husbandry is on sharp growth, with 257 pig farms, 149 chicken farms, 81 duck farms and 1 dairy cow farm, mainly in the northern districts of the province, including Bau Bang, Phu Gio, Dau Tieng and North Tan Uyen.

So far, most farms in the province have signed contracts on animal husbandry with major companies such as CP, Emivest, Japfa…These contract agreements provide farmers with support for piglets, medicine, feed and technical assistance from companies with contacts signed while ensuring consumption market, leading to relatively stable consumption of pigs and poultry.

Over the past time, provincial sub-Department of Animal Husbandry, Veterinary and Fisheries along with other specialized agencies in the province, regularly conducted inspections to ensure compliance with environmental protection regulations at animal husbandry facilities on contract. They also collaborated with farm owners to effectively carry out vaccination programs for cattle and poultry, preventing widespread outbreaks of diseases, contributing to the stable and effective development of the province's animal husbandry sector.

Reported by Tuan Anh-Translated by Kim Tin

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