| 02-07-2024 | 13:44:35

Province urgently clears sites for key projects

At a meeting to review the progress of the public investment plan for the first 6 months of 2024 and to discuss the directions and tasks for the remaining 6 months, Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, acknowledged the efforts of units and localities in implementing the plan. Minh emphasized the need to accelerate the progress of key projects, particularly the site clearance work.

Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, speaks at the meeting.

 Urgent and proactive

During the meeting, Pham Trong Nhan, Director of the Provincial Department of Planning and Investment, emphasized that in the first 6 months of 2024, the province focused on directing and administering its work with urgency and a proactive spirit. All branches and levels understood the importance of disbursing public investment capital and prioritized resources for implementation. They also worked on removing difficulties and obstacles to create the most favorable conditions for units and investors. The province managed to allocate 100% of the capital plan to works and projects according to regulations, thus avoiding the situation of "capital waiting for projects," which would have affected the efficiency of capital use.

Accordingly, as of June 27, the value of capital disbursement of the Provincial People's Committee was 4,191 billion VND, reaching 27.4% of the capital plan assigned by the Prime Minister and 19.1% of the capital plan assigned by the Provincial People's Council (the first 6 months of 2023 reached 21.4%). The total public investment plan for key projects in 2024 is 17,568 billion VND, accounting for 79.9% of the province's total capital plan. The disbursement value of key projects currently is 2,819 billion VND, reaching 16.1% of the plan, lower than the province's average.

Nhan pointed out that, despite efforts made at all levels and sectors, the province's disbursement rate has not met expectations. There is a significant amount of undisbursed capital, mainly concentrated in key projects, leading to substantial pressure to disburse funds in the remaining months to achieve the Government's goals. Key projects have not progressed as planned and committed by investors at the beginning of the year. Some works and projects are 4-5 months behind schedule compared to the set plan.

Remove "bottlenecks" of site clearance

According to Nhan, the slow disbursement is due to obstacles mainly in mechanisms and implementation policies in compensation and site clearance. “Currently, compensation and site clearance work is still a "bottleneck" in the disbursement of government capital. Many projects still have land problems and contractors cannot deploy synchronously, affecting the construction progress and not meeting the planned schedule. In addition, coordination in resolving difficulties and problems for investors is sometimes not timely, affecting implementation progress. The amount of undisbursed capital is concentrated in key projects. It is expected that at the end of the third and fourth quarters construction could be started and the capital plan could be disbursed," said Nhan.

The Bach Dang 2 bridge project across Dong Nai river is expected to be inaugurated on September 2

At the meeting, Tran Hung Viet, Director of Provincial Traffic Construction Investment and Project Management Board, said that the Management Board is currently having difficulties in implementing the project Ring Road 4 of Ho Chi Minh City, especially in site clearance; he asked relevant localities to support and speed up the progress of compensation and site clearance.

During the meeting, Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, commended the efforts of the units in carrying out public investment work. He urged them to expedite the progress of key projects, especially site clearance work. He requested Bac Tan Uyen district to expedite the approval process for the clearance compensation for the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 4 project. He also instructed Thuan An City, Di An City, and Thu Dau Mot City to accelerate the site clearance progress for the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project and the expansion of National Highway 13. Additionally, he asked the relevant units to expedite the appraisal work for the Ho Chi Minh City - Chon Thanh expressway project, with the project approval work targeted for completion in July. Lastly, he urged for the Bach Dang 2 bridge construction project to make speedy progress for the project's inauguration on September 2.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has urged investors to regularly inspect, supervise, and take strict measures to address cases where project implementation time is prolonged due to poor capacity of contractors or consultants. In the last six months of the year, there will be a focus on strengthening the role and responsibility of sector and local leaders in directing and resolving difficulties and obstacles in the disbursement of funds, especially those related to site clearance work. Moreover, the province will continue to review and adjust the 2024 financial planning plan, reallocating capital from projects with low disbursement progress to projects with higher disbursement capability, and ensuring compliance with the public investment plan for the period 2021-2025.

Nguyen Van Danh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee: The plan to put into use the key routes of Ring Road 3 of Ho Chi Minh City and Ring Road 4 of Ho Chi Minh City needs to be on schedule. It is recommended that relevant units focus on removing problems in compensation and site clearance, especially related to the relocation of technical works.

Doan Hong Tuoi, Chairman of Tan Uyen City People's Committee: As of June 30, Tan Uyen City had a total value of disbursement of financial incentives reaching 47%. Recently, Tan Uyen City has drastically directed the disbursement of public investment capital, the most important of which is site clearance. The city is determined to complete the 2024 public investment plan as committed to the Provincial People's Committee.

Vo Trong Tai, Vice Chairman of Di An City People's Committee: In the first 6 months of 2024, the total disbursement value of public capital in Di An City reached 22.43% of the assigned plan. The city has committed to achieving a disbursement rate of 95% for public investment capital by the end of 2024. Regarding the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project, the city has already paid 87% of the compensation capital (2,469/2,833 billion VND) and received 82.39% of the land, which is equivalent to 277 out of 430 land recovery cases. However, the project is still facing some issues with clearance, power stations, and three-phase power poles. In the remaining months of 2024, the city will prioritize paying compensation for the complete handover of the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project and focus on the disbursement for works in the public investment plan.

 Reported by Phuong Le - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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