| 31-05-2024 | 14:14:05

To preserve the green dykes

The rainy season has begun, but some canals have not shown signs of "changing color" because the water source is still polluted, with accumulated garbage causing flow blockages. Keeping the green color for the canals in the urban area at this time has become a necessary and urgent task. In recent days, we have observed very beautiful images when the veterans, the youth union members, officers, and soldiers in the Veterans Association are ready to roll up their sleeves and clean the canals, restore the flow. All for a greener, cleaner, and more beautiful living environment.

The forces participating in garbage collection and grass clearing in the Thu Ngu canal in Chanh Nghia ward of Thu Dau Mot city

Volunteers to the dykes

On a mid-May midweek morning, instead of choosing to rest and have a weekend coffee date, many young members of the Thu Dau Mot city Youth Union took action to carry out the Green Sunday campaign. Around 7:30 am, at Thu Ngu Canal (Chanh Nghia Ward, Thu Dau Mot City), the youth members gathered to prepare to clean up the canal.

According to our report, in addition to the youth union members, there are at this time also former soldiers, members of the Women's Union in the ward, many officials, civil servants, public security officers, and officers and soldiers of the 5th Battalion of the Engineer Officer Academy working together to mow the grass and clean the canal. With the agility of youth, many young members, civil defense forces, and officers and soldiers take the task of going down into the canal to cut grass, collect garbage into baskets to transfer to the shore, regardless of having to immerse themselves in the black water, smelling foul odor.

When the trash bins are handed up to the shore, people realize that there is all kinds of garbage in them, such as plastic bottles, nylon wrappers, fast food containers. Things that many people throw into the canal after using, causing blockage and pollution. In just 3 hours, with the collaboration of many people, the canal section was cleaned up in the joy of everyone.

Contributing to the "Green Sunday" by cleaning up the garbage under the canal, soldier Nguyen Thanh Phong said that after a week of studying, he feels very happy to join forces with other units to clean up the canal on weekends. Phong said he wants to contribute his efforts to community activities with the desire to change the perception and actions of people in participating in environmental protection.

Mr. Le Tien Son, Chairman of the Chanh Nghia Ward Veterans Association, shares with the forces in the ward, and the members of the Veterans Association also join hands to clean the canal to make it cleaner. According to Mr. Son, many people are not aware of the importance of maintaining environmental hygiene, so they discharge wastewater and throw garbage into the canal, which affects the flow. In addition, water hyacinths flowing from the river also affect the flow in the canal, causing a general impact on the environment.

Treasuring meaningful actions

To keep the canals always green, many people have their own ways of doing it without difficulty or hardship. An exemplary example is Mr. Doan Van To who founded the "Green Binh Duong" group with the task of collecting garbage on the canals on weekends.

Members and officers, soldiers of Battalion 5 of the Engineer Officer Academy join hands to gather grass, open up the flow of the canal

According to Mr. To, with the desire to do volunteer work, however, because he is a worker with just enough income to support himself, he and a friend chose to start by cleaning up garbage under a canal in Hoa Phu ward (Thu Dau Mot city). After the first day, he thought not everyone could do this job, so he started cleaning the garbage under the canal on weekends. Seeing the meaningful work, many overtime workers also joined the "Green Binh Duong" group to go with Mr. To to clean up the environment by collecting garbage from the canals. Wherever there is pollution and blocked flow, the group will come to clean up with the determination of "3 cleanliness": Clean from mud, clean from garbage, and clean from rubbish. Up to now, the "Binh Duong Green" group has developed nearly 20 members participating in picking up garbage in many canals and cleaning up many landfills.

As someone who actively participates in many community volunteer activities, Mr. Ngo Dang Huy, Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union of Thu Dau Mot City, shares that raising awareness about environmental protection and coping with climate change among young members is a practical and meaningful activity. In addition to activities such as picking up trash under canals, cleaning up the environment in residential areas, collecting and treating waste, and planting trees. The Youth Union also introduced propaganda teams on environmental protection. These activities aim to raise awareness among people, especially young people, in preserving the living environment; not littering; disposing of waste in designated areas; and maintaining cleanliness of water sources. From there, step by step, a civilized lifestyle is formed, with responsibility towards the environment and the community.

Recognizing the practical actions of the forces to have clean canals, a healthy living environment, Mrs. Nguyen Thu Cuc, Chairman of the People's Committee of Thu Dau Mot City, said that the images of the former soldiers working happily; officers, soldiers, youth union members and many forces, volunteer groups join hands to clean the canals and realize that everyone always gives their all for the community and the environment. “This job is highly valued and needs to be spread to raise awareness of environmental protection. The city's People's Committee has directed the wards to review and install "No littering" signs in vacant lots, as well as mobilize residents not to litter indiscriminately, not to dump waste into channels that block the flow and pollute water sources,” Mrs. Nguyen Thu Cuc added.

Reported by Quynh Anh – Translated by Vi Bao

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