| 01-06-2024 | 12:16:51

First day of senior high entrance examination - safe and discipline

Yesterday of May 31, more than 23,900 candidates in Binh Duong province stepped into the first day of the entrance exam to grade 10 of high school in academic year of 2024-2025. According to our report, the first exam day took place safely, seriously, and in accordance with regulations. At the examination boards, the functional forces were present early to ensure security and order, and the candidates arrived at the exam venue on time, bringing all necessary documents.

Leaders of the Department of Education and Training come to encourage the candidates before entering the examination rooms

Candidates at ease

According to the observations at the examination sites in the province, early in the morning, parents have brought their children to the examination centers to be ready for the important exam. The general psychology of most students is a bit nervous but not too worried when entering the first exam session because they have prepared and studied carefully.

Tran Quang Khai, a student at Binh Thang B Junior High School of Binh Thang ward, Di An city, happily said: "I have prepared carefully for the exam, so I am not under much pressure and worry at the moment. I arrived at the exam venue early, so I took the opportunity to review the basic knowledge that teachers have reviewed and meet, chat with friends for a more comfortable mindset."

Stepping out of the exam room with a relaxed mood, Tạ Khanh Huy, a student of Phu My Junior High School of Thu Dau Mot city, who took the exam at the Examination Council of An My High School, said that before the exam, he was a little worried. But when he received the test papers, he felt relieved because all the contents in the syllabus had been reviewed extensively beforehand.

At 6 a.m. more or less on May 31, many parents brought their children to the Examination Council of Di An High School, Di An city to be ready for the exam.

As one of the first candidates to step out at Examination Council No. 18 held at Di An Junior School of Di An city, Tran Cong Anh Tu, a student of Di An Junior High School, shared: "In my own perception, this year's exam is quite manageable. With this paper, I was able to complete about 80 - 90% and I found the first question of the essay section a bit challenging, which discussed the role of nature in human life. I hope this afternoon's English exam would also be suitable for us."

In the afternoon of the same day, heavy rain poured down, causing many candidates to face difficulties in moving after completing the exam. However, the majority of candidates received enthusiastic support from volunteers and staff at the test sites. Nguyen Thu Nga, a student at Tan Dong Hiep Junior High School of Di An city, participated in the exam at Thai Hoa High School of Tan Uyen city and shared: "In my opinion, this year's English exam was quite difficult. I expect to score around 50% on the exam. Although it rained this afternoon, the material facilities at the examination council still ensured that we could hear the speaker clearly to complete the listening skills section of the test. I hope to achieve above average marks.”

Quite different from the confident and comfortable mood of the contestants, many parents share the same anxious mood while waiting for the contestants to complete the exams. Nguyen Thi Kim Phe, a parent who took her child to take the exam at Tan Binh High School Examination Council (in Bac Tan Uyen district), worriedly said: "Because our house in Vinh Tan ward is 11km away from the exam location, I had to take my child to the exam site since 6am. Arrive a little early so that the child has time to review the lessons, check the documents before entering the exam room. The child enters the exam room, but the parents outside are also nervous and worried. Seeing the child studying late into the night without daring to sleep, the parents feel sorry for the child. They only hope that the child will do well and complete the exam.”

Requirements met

On the first day of the entrance exam for public high schools in the academic year 2024-2025, candidates completed two subjects: literature and English. On the first day of the exam, at the examination boards, the organization of the exam was ensured to follow the correct procedures. All conditions for the exam were well guaranteed, with no abnormalities in terms of security and incidents related to electricity and water. All day the exam took place safely, seriously, smoothly, according to regulations, without any candidates or exam supervisors violating the exam regulations.

The candidates are confident of the first testing day

Mrs. Pham Thi Minh Tuyen, Chairwoman of the Examination Council for Di An High School of Di An city, said that the examination council has 18 examination rooms with 432 candidates. Although the members of the examination council as well as the candidates have been fully trained and informed about the examination regulations beforehand, on the first day of the examination, we continued to remind and provide careful guidance to the candidates regarding the regulations and rules of the examination. The team of supervisors always creates the best conditions, supports all aspects for candidates, closely monitors the candidates in the examination room to promptly report to the examination board in case of emergencies.

On the evaluation of the first day of the exam, Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhat Hang, Director of the Department of Education and Training, said that this year's entrance exam for grade 10 in Binh Duong province has increased by 2 examination boards and nearly 2,000 candidates compared to last year. On the first day of the exam, overall, the exam boards and related units have maximized their sense of responsibility, prepared thoroughly, and ensured the best conditions for candidates to take the test. However, in the afternoon session of the English subject exam, due to the weather conditions, some exam boards have flexibly moved the listening skills section to the end of the session. In addition, there were no incidents during the exam day, no candidates violated the exam regulations, and the number of absent candidates was less than last year.

The first exam day took place safely, seriously, and according to regulations, which is a positive signal. Hopefully, this will be a premise for the next exam day to go smoothly so that candidates can confidently do the test and achieve the best results. Today June 1, the candidates will take the math exam with a duration of 120 minutes. This is also the last subject of the entrance exam for grade 10 of high school in the academic year 2024-2025.

According to the report of the Department of Education and Training, on the first day of the exam, there were 85 candidates absent from the literature subject and 86 candidates absent from the English subject. In addition, there were no serious incidents on the first day of the exam, and no candidates violated the examination regulations. Overall, all 46 examination boards in the province ensured the safe organization of the exam, in accordance with the regulations.

Reported by Hong Phuong – Minh Hieu – Translated by Vi Bao

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